
writings in a planner
Photo by Bich Tran on

Out my Window: Flowers popping open and the buds swelling. Watching the daily progress of some forsythia bushes as I drive my son to work.

Enjoying: All the new life growing. A week off.

Listening to: The Elements Toby Mac, Burn the Ships King and Country, Mint Alice Merton and misc…

Wanting to read Emily P. Freeman’s new book. Trying to be self-controlled and read what I have, so I listened to a podcast instead: So many good nuggets in this. Of course, now I really want to read the book. Although I may need to do the audio.

Still re-listening to the audio of Breaking Free from Beth Moore.

Reading: Night time reading: In His Image by Jen Wilkin- definitely worth the read. I love how she defines qualities of God and then connects it to how it out pours or can well up in us.

Started Get Weird: Discover the Surprising Secret to Making a Difference by CJ Casciotta enjoying this side angle of Christ and the human spirit.

Library borrows (I though they would take longer to get so I need to figure out my reading priorities): Michelle Obama’s Becoming, Orange is the New Black Piper Kerman, and Poetry from Mary Oliver

Pondering: I went to see Piper Kerman, the author of Orange is the New Black: My Year in a Women’s Prison last week. She is a great communicator. I really appreciate all the information and her role in prison reform and education of people. My heart is for prison ministry/reform and helping women and men transition back into communities in a healthy, strong way. I have been out of jail ministry for almost 5 years and still miss it much. The fire is still there. So I am pondering and praying for what it looks like in this transition season and what it might look like in the future.

Learning:  How to just do the next step and release the rest of the steps and trust that I will know when I need to another step. Also learning to listen closely for the Spirit’s heartbeat and direction when it comes to ministering to friends and the space they are in. Learning that I may have been carrying some other people’s crosses alongside my own.

Home: Well… never made the list. Trying to catch up. Cleared out the bags that needed to go to Salvation Army… actually took them on the same day! Huge!!! Usually I drive around with them for weeks. So there’s that.

Fitness and Mental Health: This has turned into a resting week. Which is good for my mental health.

Giving Thanks: Getting to attend a lecture with my friend who I did jail ministry with. Thankful for her fire and passion for the women in jail and in the community. Thankful for her stories of how God finds people wherever they are and speaks to them and redeems them. Thankful for a few quieter evenings. Scrabble game with hubby. Shopping with my son. Finding an apartment for my older son in the town he is moving to. Thankful for an overnight away exploring that town with my husband. Friends who help me remember the things I need to remember and pray for me in the meantime.

Disclaimer: the Amazon links do link to my personal account and give me a small incentive for sharing from their page. The rest of the links are purely because I enjoy them and thought you might too.

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